Are Polar Bears really white?

The polar bear is the world's largest land predators.  Species of the Polar Bear can be found in the Artic, the U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. The Polar Bear is an endangered species.  In fact, each of these countries either banned hunting or established rules for how many polar bears could be hunted within its own boundaries. These rules help to keep polar bear populations stable. Today, 25,000 to 40,000 polar bears roam the Arctic.


Despite of what we may all think, a polar bear's fur is not white. It is a very common mistake.  Each hair is a clear hollow tube.  Polar bears look white because each hollow hair reflects the light. On sunny days, it traps the sun's infrared heat and helps to keep the bear warm .  Polar bears look whitest when they are clean and in the sunlight. The whitish colour serves as a camouflage too.
Polar bear fur is oily and water repellent. The hairs don't mat when wet, allowing the polar bears to easily shake free of water and any ice that may form after swimming. This adaptation helps them from losing a lot of body heat.
